My Dear Writer, You Are Doing Your Best. Stop Beating Yourself Up.
Art For Art's Sake: Part 20

Being a creative person in our regular world is a challenging task.
We have been conditioned since birth that the world functions in a particular way, and we are one of the cogs in this big machinery. So when you decide to take a different route, things will be rough.
It becomes difficult to wake up an hour early to work on your novel before heading to work.
It becomes difficult to make your partner realise why you need them to take care of the kids for an hour so that you can spend time alone.
It becomes difficult to make your family understand that you are not to be disturbed when you are in the creative zone.
It becomes difficult to understand why this scene would get written the way you see it in your head.
It becomes difficult to manage life as a member of society and work on your dream life as a writer.
Sometimes you will feel like you're being pulled in a million directions but are moving nowhere. Especially not in the direction you want to go. And that is when the negative self-talk comes rushing in.
"My life gets worse every day."
"It's a waste of time."
"I can't do anything right."
"I'm not smart enough to write this book."
"I am not good enough."
"I'm such a failure."
"I wish I could just disappear."
"I'm not worth it."
"People won't like my novel."
"I am not talented enough."
"No one wants my opinion."
"What will they think of me?"
Such self-talk is neither helpful to you nor your writing. Don't demotivate yourself so much that you can never recover from it.
You're human. You are part of Nature. That means your life, like every living being's, will ebb and flow. Some days, you'll be grinding to the ground. Some days, you'll be flying high. And some days, you'll be too busy or tired to do anything.
Just because you're having a bad day or a writing session doesn't mean you're inadequate. That's just the flavour of that day. Tomorrow, try your best to make things different and in your favour.
And the first place to start is by talking to yourself in your favour.
"My life is getting better every day."
"Working on my novel is not a waste of time."
"I am learning how to do things right."
"I can always learning the craft of Writing."
"I am good enough."
"I am learning."
"Today, I'll take a break. And tomorrow I'll have a blast."
"I am totally worth it."
"The right people will love my novel."
"Talent is good. Hard work is better."
"My words will attract the right people."
"My self-worth is not depended on what others think of me."
You are doing your best at the moment. It's okay to miss a day, to fail, to fall. Just don't stay in the sad pit longer than it's required. You need to be your own cheerleader. You need to support your writer soul. Therefore, give yourself grace and a hug and get back to working on your book.
"You are doing the best you can do right now. Stop beating yourself up."
– Steven Aitchison.
More in the Art For Art’s Sake series -
Deliberate Practice Is The Key To Master The Craft Of Writing
Go Low, Slow And Steady. And You’ll Reach Your Writing Milestones Quicker.
If You Are Not Having Fun While Creating, You’re Doing It Wrong
You Already Are A Writer. You Just Have To Identify As One To Yourself.
Breathe Life Into Your Writing Dream. Because If You Don’t, Who Will?
My Dear Writer, You Are Doing Your Best. Stop Beating Yourself Up.
Give Writing The Time On Your Clock And The Loyalty Of Your Heart.
Nourish Your Writer Soul And Take Care Of Your Inner Creative Well.
I truly needed this, thank you so very much!