Let Curiosity Lead Your Writing - And 2 Ways Of Doing It
Art For Art's Sake: Part 14

Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.
- Linus Pauling
Curiosity is one of the key ingredients to enjoying the process and fruits of Writing.
Earlier, when I was trying to write for others, I knew I wasn't writing words worth reading. I was trying to write what I thought others would read. Doing this made my words sound like every other voice out there. My words were generic, bland and lacked life.
But when I started writing for myself, I started writing about the things and thoughts that lit up a spark in me. My words now sound better, and it's helping me find my voice. Writing is now fun, and reading my words satisfies me.
And that's because I am now following my curiosity.
I find there are two ways to follow your curiosity.
Follow That What Interests You.
When I was writing to attract readers, I was giving high value to what would be trendy. I was writing topics that I knew would get the clicks. I was following the same format as the viral articles.
I didn't realise I wasn't the only one trying to attract attention, and I wasn't getting any attention because I was writing what was already out there.
Switching gears, I write about things that make me stop and retrace myself. Incidents, thoughts, quotes, lessons, dialogues. Whenever I find something that grabs my attention for more than two seconds, I know it's worth a few more.
When you write what interests you, you know you'll have a fun time writing about it.
Let's say you LOVE butterflies and can spend your entire day talking about them. But then you're told to write your thoughts about your country's constitution.
Not fun, that one.
In the same way, when I started writing, I thought I had to write about theme, plot, outline, and character sketch. BORING! to me.
There are too many books and blogs about the craft of Writing, but there are few to none when it comes to talking about what it is to become and be a writer.
What I would love to write about is what I think it means to be a writer.
That's what I want to talk about.
Follow Where It Takes You.
I don't plot or outline anymore.
I might have a few bullet points regarding the topic I am about to write, but they are not set in stone.
Now, when I write, I let whatever thoughts come bubbling up pour onto the screen/paper. I don't restrict it. I don't edit it. I first let myself write and see where the words want to take me.
Once I am done writing all I can, I see how I can edit it for the benefit of the readers.
But first, you have to let yourself tell the story to yourself.
It has often happened that when I just let the words flow out of me, it turns out to be more eloquent than I could have ever thought. You'll even start connecting dots you never thought could connect.
This, alone, makes Writing such a fun experience for me.
Curiosity makes life richer. It makes you different, and attractive too.
Let curiosity lead the way. It will satisfy your creativity and will make you stand out.
More in the Art For Art’s Sake Series -
Your Job As A Writer Is To Write
To Build Your Writing Career, Start Small.
What Does It Mean To “Trust The Process?”
Consistency Will Help You Make A Breakthrough
You Must Stay Persistent With Your Creative Journey
Deliberate Practice Is The Key To Master The Craft Of Writing
Go Low, Slow And Steady. And You’ll Reach Your Writing Milestones Quicker.
Treat Your Art As An Experiment
If You Are Not Having Fun While Creating, You’re Doing It Wrong
Contrary To Popular Belief, Write For Yourself First
Comparison And Competition Will Hurt Your Writing
Rest Is Your Answer To A Productive Writing Session
Let Curiosity Lead Your Writing - And 2 Ways Of Doing It
You Need To Have Faith And Let Your Words Flow
Always Move On To Your Next Writing Project
Once You Choose To Become A Writer, You Are One For Life.
You Already Are A Writer. You Just Have To Identify As One To Yourself.