Which Kind Of Writer Are You? - A Soul Writer Or A Social Writer?
You Want To Stay True To Your Writer Nature

One of the questions about my writing journey that has haunted me for the last six years is -Â What kind of writer am I?
Recently, I came to the following conclusion.
There are two kinds of writers present in the world -Â
One is a Soul Writer.
The second is a Social Writer.
Soul Writer
This kind of writer writes because their soul called out to them to do so.
There is something deep inside such writers that they can't give a name, that just wants to come out onto the paper in the form of words.
A Soul Writer doesn't care what the market wants to read. But at the same time, they know what they'll write will make the world better. The magnitude of this impact is not important. It can touch just one heart (even if it's just the writer's) and will make a world of difference.
The voice inside a Soul Writer never stops reminding them of what they want to write and why they want to do so.
Soul Writers want to write just because they want to. Be it to entertain, educate or just share a feeling.
Social Writer
This kind of writer writes for others.
They want to share what they have learned so far with everyone. They want to share something of value.
A Social Writer cares about the market because that is how they know if readers are resonating with them or not. They care, worry, and obsess over if their words make the right noise in the right place.
Social Writers want to write to change the world.
A Mix Of Both
This is not to say that if you're one, you are not the other.
Soul Writers need a pinch of social, and Social Writers need a pinch of soul. Being a mix of both will inevitably help your words reach and touch the right readers.
The problem arises when you forget one for the other.
I noticed this problem when I was feeling burnt out last month.
For a month, I was being a Social Writer.
I was writing an essay every day for 30 days. I was trying to figure out the market, my niche, and how I could be of service to others. I was trying to be social and network with other fellow writers. Every piece of writing I wrote during this time was for someone else. Which meant I didn't write for myself.
In other words, I was so lost nurturing my Social Writer that I forgot to feed my Soul Writer.
As a Social Writer, I want to help lost, confused, and frustrated writers connect with their Soul side and enjoy every writing session.
As a Soul Writer, I want to write stories that help my readers take a break from the chaotic and confusing world we live in.
Though I was thriving as a Social Writer because I couldn't work on my stories, my soul was unsatisfied. My soul was sad.
I discovered my Soul Writer was sad after spending two blissful hours working on my novel. My soul missed this feeling of exhilaration.
Are You A Soul Writer Or A Social Writer?
Novelist Amor Towles is a Soul Writer.
He writes the story he is called to write. When it's done, he shares it with the world and enthrals his readers.
He is his Social side when he feels or is required to, like on a book tour.
Self-Help Guru Mel Robbins is a Social Writer.
She writes and speaks in public and for the public. When the time comes, she writes a book to share with the world.
She is her Soul side when she is listening to her inner voice to help others become a better version of themselves.
So I asked myself - Which of the two am I?
My answer - Soul Writer
My primary reason to be a writer, my WHY, is to write stories and make other readers feel how my favourite novelists make me feel.
I can be Social by interacting with my readers. I can be Social through articles like these. I can be Social by helping those who want to connect with their writer within. But to do that, I must first be true to my nature.
My Soul Writer should take 80% of my focus. That is where I thrive. If I don't take care of this side of me, I'll be of no service on my Social side.
For almost two years, my Social side was my focus. Now it's high time I also give my Soul Writer some love.
The Soul vs Social Writer Series -
Which Kind Of Writer Are You? - A Soul Writer Or A Social Writer?
What Does It Mean To Be A Soul Writer?
How To Know, Become And Stay A Soul Writer?
What Does It Mean To Be A Social Writer?