Books By Me

Soul Writer vs. Social Writer

There are plotters and pantsers. Outliners and discovery writers. There are poets, playwrights, screenwriters, novelists, essayists, comic writers, memoirists, teachers and coaches.

Now, I would like to introduce you to two other writers - the Soul Writer and the Social Writer.

While the others are terms for the readers to understand what kind of writer you are, the last two are for you to help you know which kind of writer you are.

In this book, you will find -

  • The two types of Writers in us and why it is important to know where you stand.

  • Who is a Soul Writer?

  • Why is it important to be a Soul Writer?

  • How to know, become and stay a Soul Writer?

  • Who is a Social Writer?

  • Why is it important to be a Social Writer?

  • How to know, become and stay a Social Writer?

  • Pros and cons, differences and similarities between both.

  • Examples of writers pulling this balance off effortlessly and successfully.

  • Finding your sweet spot between the two and keeping a balance between them.

Understanding the Soul Writer and Social Writer in you will help you understand your writer's nature and personality. Once you learn that, you can then shift your life that align with it and, therefore, create an environment - within you and outside you - that supports you to thrive as a writer.

And once you start living from that space, you’ll start having a satisfying, fulfilling and fun writing life.

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