You Must Stay Persistent With Your Creative Journey
Art For Art's Sake: Part 6

Success is the sum of small efforts - repeated day in and day out.
- Robert Collier
The definition of Persistent in Merriam-Webster is as the following:
: continuing to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult or other people want you to stop
: continuing beyond the usual, expected, or normal time; not stopping or going away
This applies to our creative lives as well.
If you want to enjoy your creative life, you must be persistent.
Let's tackle the definitions one at a time.
: continuing to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult or other people want you to stop
Today, I am not in the right headspace.
The confusing weather is confusing me. Plus, I had so much activity going on in my dreams that I woke up exhausted.
Yet, here I am, showing up to write. Giving the hundred per cent of whatever percentage energy I have.
This is not the ideal situation I would have loved to write in. But then most of life is not ideal.
Rest, if you need. Take a few days off. But don't quit.
Don't let distractions, disturbances, difficulties and responsibilities stray you away.
: continuing beyond the usual, expected, or normal time; not stopping or going away
You are on a creative journey.
You are not on a regular path - the kind of path the majority of the population is walking on.
If you're called to a creative life, remember that your work and success are timeless.
Creativity is not bound by the time constraints we humans have created.
So know that a creative journey will take the time it needs to bloom.
Nothing good comes instantly. It needs time to grow, take root, and finally bear some fruit.
As for the second part, even if you want to, you can't walk away once you're called to a creative journey.
Even if you do, that dream of creating something will come back to you again and again until you accept that it's your calling. It's a part of you. It's who you are and what you're meant to do.
Might as well embrace it.
More in the Art For Art’s Sake Series -
Your Job As A Writer Is To Write
To Build Your Writing Career, Start Small.
What Does It Mean To “Trust The Process?”
Consistency Will Help You Make A Breakthrough
You Must Stay Persistent With Your Creative Journey
Deliberate Practice Is The Key To Master The Craft Of Writing
Go Low, Slow And Steady. And You’ll Reach Your Writing Milestones Quicker.
Treat Your Art As An Experiment
If You Are Not Having Fun While Creating, You’re Doing It Wrong
Contrary To Popular Belief, Write For Yourself First
Comparison And Competition Will Hurt Your Writing
Rest Is Your Answer To A Productive Writing Session
Let Curiosity Lead Your Writing - And 2 Ways Of Doing It
You Need To Have Faith And Let Your Words Flow
Always Move On To Your Next Writing Project
Once You Choose To Become A Writer, You Are One For Life.
You Already Are A Writer. You Just Have To Identify As One To Yourself.