Rubina's Bojra presents Becoming A Writer Podcast!
That's right! I am launching my podcast today!
That's right! I am launching my podcast today!
In my writing life so far (I will be celebrating my 10th anniversary this May), one of the biggest realisations I have had is that it is not about publishing a book but about becoming the writer who writes for life.
Becoming A Writer will be a weekly podcast where I give my writer friends the love, support, and encouragement to realise, become and stay a writer for life and enjoy every moment. This will be a space where we write freely, write fearlessly, and write forever.
Every Saturday, we'll catch up for about 20 minutes, where we'll discuss what it takes to become a writer.
You can listen to the episodes on -
Listen to the podcast trailer here!
And to launch the podcast with a bang, we are starting with FOUR episodes now already gone LIVE!
E1 - Taking The Leap Of Faith.
E2 - Our Number One Job As A Writer.
E3 - Getting Started With Our Writing.
E4 - Believing And Identifying As A Writer, And Why It Is Important.
You can listen to all our conversations at under the Becoming A Writer tab. On my Substack, you will also get access to my other essays, published every Wednesday and your free Writer's Mental Toolbox PDF to help you enjoy every writing session.
You can also find me on Instagram at becoming.awriter.
We writers are meant to Write Freely, Write Fearlessly, and Write Forever. And I can't wait to start this conversation! See you there!
great beginning Rubina!