If You Are Not Having Fun While Creating, You're Doing It Wrong
Art For Art's Sake: Part 10
Author Note:
I am taking a break for the whole month of March. I need time and space to breathe and then organise my thoughts to give you more value.
Rubina’s Bojra is going on a sabbatical from Sunday, February 27th 2022.
And will be back on Monday, April 4th 2022.
People want to be creatively satisfied, and having fun is such an important part of that.
- John Lasseter
When it comes to creativity, you can't be strict. You have to be child-like.
That is because creativity is child-like in nature and needs to be treated that way.
Just like a child has fun playing and colouring and experiencing the world around her, a creative has to have fun in their craft.
This was one limiting belief I had when I started my writing journey.
I believed that if I had fun writing, I was not taking the job seriously or creating products worthy of respect and readership.
This made me question every sentence I wrote. Sometimes, I doubted myself even before I could write something. I was constantly worried if I was writing the right thing if the readers would like what I wrote, and if I would be successful in it or not.
All this stressing was making me work against the true nature of creativity.
Creativity is all about exploration and experimentation. To do so, you have to love what you're are doing and you have to have fun.
When a child is drawing scenery, she is just following her instincts. She is not worried about the result. She is immersed in giving shape and colour to the image in her mind.
That is precisely what any creative must do.
No matter at what stage of the creative or writing journey you are, do it for the love of the craft.
Forget about the result. If you truly pour yourself into the art, you will get the results and/or lessons you deserve.
Don't make it a life or death situation as I did. The moment I let myself enjoy my writing, I realised that there's always more to look forward to.
All creative work is serious work; after all, you are creating something that didn't exist before - it's your unique take on that piece of art. But that doesn't mean you have to be all tight and constipated and Hitler-like about it.
Loosen up and have fun with your creativity.
More in the Art For Art’s Sake Series -
Your Job As A Writer Is To Write
To Build Your Writing Career, Start Small.
What Does It Mean To “Trust The Process?”
Consistency Will Help You Make A Breakthrough
You Must Stay Persistent With Your Creative Journey
Deliberate Practice Is The Key To Master The Craft Of Writing
Go Low, Slow And Steady. And You’ll Reach Your Writing Milestones Quicker.
Treat Your Art As An Experiment
If You Are Not Having Fun While Creating, You’re Doing It Wrong
Contrary To Popular Belief, Write For Yourself First
Comparison And Competition Will Hurt Your Writing
Rest Is Your Answer To A Productive Writing Session
Let Curiosity Lead Your Writing - And 2 Ways Of Doing It
You Need To Have Faith And Let Your Words Flow
Always Move On To Your Next Writing Project
Once You Choose To Become A Writer, You Are One For Life.
You Already Are A Writer. You Just Have To Identify As One To Yourself.