How to support Rubina Gauri Gomes & Rubina's Bojra
and her dream to become a full-time author and get a dog.
Oh my God! You want to help me? That is so kind of you!
You know, being a writer is tricky, especially when it comes to earning an income.
It’s so hard to get my head around the fact that traditionally published authors get only 30% of what their book sells. The person who wrote the book gets 30% of the price.
And if you work as an Independent Writer, oh, then God help you! For you have no stable income.
Plus, the old methods of becoming a writer don’t work in the modern, digital world anymore.
This is where you, my knight in shining armour, come in.
You are here means you want to support me and my dream of becoming a full-time author.
For now, here’s how you can do it -
i) subscribe to my free newsletter
By doing this, you will be receiving bi-weekly emails letting you know my new essay (every Wednesday) or new podcast episode (every Saturday) is live.
As a thank you, you will also receive a free PDF called A Writer’s Mental Toolbox To Enjoy Every Writing Session.
If you are a lost, confused and frustrated writer, and are having a hard time connecting with your writer soul and want to enjoy every writing session, you must check this PDF out!
The tools I mention in this PDF have helped me consistently have a fun writing session for over two years now. It took me six years to find them, but you don’t need to waste your time doing that. Subscribe to my Substack newsletter, and you'll find the link to the PDF in the welcome email.
ii) buy my book, Soul Writer vs. Social Writer
There are plotters and pantsers. Outliners and discovery writers. There are poets, playwrights, screenwriters, novelists, essayists, comic writers, memoirists, teachers and coaches.
Now, I would like to introduce you to two other writers - the Soul Writer and the Social Writer.
While the others are terms for the readers to understand what kind of writer you are, the last two are for you to help you understand which kind of writer you are.
In this book, you will find -
The two types of Writers in us and why it is important to know where you stand.
Who is a Soul Writer?
Why is it important to be a Soul Writer?
How to know, become and stay a Soul Writer?
Who is a Social Writer?
Why is it important to be a Social Writer?
How to know, become and stay a Social Writer?
Pros and cons, differences and similarities between both.
Examples of writers pulling this balance off effortlessly and successfully.
Finding your sweet spot between the two and keeping a balance between them.
Understanding the Soul Writer and Social Writer in you will help you understand your writer's nature and personality. Once you learn that, you can then shift your life that align with it and, therefore, create an environment - within you and outside you - that supports you to thrive as a writer.
And once you start living from that space, you’ll start having a satisfying, fulfilling and fun writing life.
iii) comment on my content
what you liked, what you didn’t like, how it helped you, any other thoughts or suggestions
iv) share my work with your friends
who would be interested in checking it out.
Whichever way you can help, I will be grateful.
Thank you!
P.S.- If you’d like to know more about me, you can check out the following links -