Yesterday was one packed Sunday I have ever had in recent times.
Spending two-plus hours in the kitchen with my mother making Chicken Curry and Pulao to entertaining our guests to spending a total of four hours and fifteen minutes talking to three of my best friends. And let's not forget the quick run to the market for groceries and the other small errands throughout the house that fill in the gaps.
No wonder I am low on energy today.
But that doesn't stop my Monday from being who it is - another busy day.
I am having a hard time keeping my eyes open today. My brain is still buzzing from the exciting day I had yesterday, and it's in a complete shutdown from the lack of sleep. And did I say I am exhausted?
But here I am, typing with whatever energy is there in me.
Why? Because I made a promise to myself to do so.
Nonetheless, that annoying voice in my head keeps going - You are so lazy. So many do so much more than you in a day. You never get anything done, might as well leave it. Everyone's getting ahead of you.
That annoying voice in my head doesn't know (or doesn't realise) is I have outgrown it. I know who it is - it is not me. It is not me, or my will, or my desire, or my hopes and dreams.
Over the past few years, I have understood that I have to play the long game. That means I can't let my current mood, situation or circumstances dictate how I feel about my future. I won't even remember today a month later, so why should today make me think that my future is dim?
I once read somewhere - everyone is doing the best, whatever the circumstances. I believe in that statement.
I am exhausted today; therefore, my brain is distracted and fragmented. I am not able to write as eloquently as I would have loved to. I wish I was done with this essay on Saturday.
A mother out there didn't sleep last night because she was caring for her child.
There's a boy who is sleeping at his job because he was studying last night.
There's a soldier at the border, who no matter how tired he is, has to stay alert for the sake of the nation.
We all are doing our best in the circumstances we are.
Just because something gets left out from your to-do doesn't mean you're a failure or that you'll never succeed. That doesn't make you a bad person.
You did what you could do. You're doing more than enough.
When you wish there were a few more hours to the day to do it all, stop right there. Pat yourself for doing your best and be at peace with. Then try your best again tomorrow.