Want To Understand Someone Better? Ask Them Their Go-To Songs
You Will Fall In Love With Each Other. All Over Again.
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.
- Bob Marley
I received the most personal, vulnerable, and precious birthday gift earlier this month.
My best friend gave me a playlist of songs he absolutely loves and hoped I'd like them too.
At bedtime, I finally got the chance it put in the earphones and lie back.
After ten songs - worth 40 minutes - I felt the most intense love for my best friend.
These songs made me realise that I didn't love him enough. And that I didn't tell him enough how much I love him.
After ten years of friendship, these songs made me realise I still have so much to know and learn about my best friend.
These songs made me learn what he desires, what he misses, what makes him laugh, what makes him cry, how he wants to be loved, how he wants to feel.
These songs made me realise all he wants is to be seen, accepted and loved just as he is - a soul trying to figure out its place in the grand scheme of Life.
These songs made me realise that I, too, feel exactly the same.
My playlist will be different; maybe a couple of songs will match. But they, too, make me feel the same as my best friend's playlist makes him feel.
That's the power of music. That's the power of lyrics.
They have the power to make us feel seen, accepted and loved.
They make us realise that someone out there understands what we are going through.
They give words and meaning to our feelings - good or bad, feelings we can't put into words.
Therefore, they make us hopeful. And less lonely.
And when we share our favourite songs with someone we truly love, and they too truly love us, both parties will fall in love with each other. All over again.
So if you want to know more about your favourite person - how they truly feel, what they really think - ask them their favourite songs.