There Is Only One Way Of Getting Over Your Writing Career Fears - Do It Anyway.
Art For Art's Sake: Vol 2 Part 22
Author Note:
Rubina’s Bojra is going on a break for the rest of 2023, starting 22nd Nov. I’ll be using this time to upgrade my 2024 content. New essays will be available from Jan 2024.
You can analyse as much as you like. You can find tricks to trick it. You can affirm your way through it.
But there is no getting over your writing career fears until you take action towards it.
There is no way around it; the only way to go is through it.
Before starting my writing journey online, I over-analysed so much (in the name of research) that I got scared even to write my first essay.
And that fear was baseless as I was basing it off of what other writers were saying and experiencing. Soon, I realised that if I wanted to get rid of this fear, I was to find out for myself what it's like to share my words online. That meant I had to feel the fear and write anyway.
Does doing this mean that whatever fear you feel regarding your writing career -
fear of failure.
fear of rejection.
fear of not having time.
fear of running out of time.
fear of others surpassing you.
fear of not being good enough.
fear of not knowing what to write.
fear of writing again after a success.
fear of not finishing what you started.
fear of not having enough experience.
fear of what if you're in the wrong genre.
fear of not living up to your own standards.
fear of calling yourself a writer.
- will go away?
Probably not.
But you'll learn how to become friends with it and not let it hamper your writing.