If I asked you - "Who do you love the most?" - what would be your answer?
Your partner? Your parent? Your job? Your dog? That fictional character you have a crush on? Ice cream?Â
No matter who it is, let me tell you, your answer is wrong.
I am not saying it's wrong to love your dog. (If you don't love your dog, then you're a terrible person, and we can't be friends.) What I am saying is that there is this ONE PERSON you should love before anyone else. Can you make a guess who's that extraordinary person?
You are that special person who deserves your love more than anybody else.
Because, if you didn't know, YOU are the one person you will have to live with for the rest of your life.
When you stand in front of the mirror and don't like who you see, then you are in trouble.
Loving yourself can help you nurture a healthy, stable and understanding relationship with yourself. This will, in turn, help you believe in yourself and trust yourself to make things happen. When your belief in yourself becomes strong, nothing can shake you off your path.
Learning to love yourself makes you better equipped to love others as well.
If you don't have a healthy relationship with yourself, how do you expect to maintain flourishing ones with others? If you are a pain in your own ass, then you'll definitely be a pain in others. Become aware that you, too, deserve from yourself, the love, respect, and admiration you so freely give others. This way, not only will you learn how to love others better, but you'll also teach others how to treat you.
Loving yourself doesn't mean you need to be selfish.
It means that you can't serve others if you are empty. While caring for others is noble and necessary, it shouldn't be at the cost of you ALL THE TIME. Been there, done that - and I can say that it's not fun. You have to embrace (both, literally and figuratively) who you are. Like an archaeologist, you have to explore yourself and find what treasures are hidden inside you. And, for the love of God, fill yourself up with fun and kindness.
So that, when the time comes, you can help others with your gifts.
At the end of the day, ask yourself -
Was I kind to myself today? - OR - Am I proud of what I did today?
If the answer to any of those questions is "No," then you still have some "loving yourself" to do.