The One, High-Priority Lesson I Learnt In The Last 29 Years Of My Life.
Every year, as my birthday rolls in early January, I wonder what new lesson I am blessed with. Here's what I learnt this year.
Every year, as my birthday rolls in early January, I wonder what new lesson (or revising of an old lesson) I experienced in the past year. Usually, I can find 3-5 lessons that I needed to learn, but recent times have been different. This time, at the core of all that I lived through, I learnt a crucial lesson. And this lesson is such that will impact my life for all time.
The one, high-priority lesson I learnt in the last 29 years of my life - I am my most important project.
As someone who always has been thinking about others first, this was an uncomfortable realisation. I was in denial for quite some time, telling myself it was selfish to think in such a way. But as time passes, the more I realise that putting myself on the top of my list is very important, necessary, and frankly speaking, non-negotiable.
People come in and leave our lives as it is destined to pan out. Some are natural causes, and some are man-made, but there is no denying the fact that no one stays with you all your life. Or worst, they may be physically present near you but are miles and miles away from your heart. So, relying solely on someone else to give you love, happiness, and companionship is a recipe with a high chance of going wrong. Not that we don't need others in our lives; we are social beings, after all. They just can't the the only source for our needs. We need to learn to provide love, happiness and companionship to ourselves so that we are never lost when someone stops.
Situations in life, too, have their own way with us. Life loves to throw a plot twist when you least want or need it. After a point, you get so used to life's curveballs that you go numb; it doesn't affect you anymore. Nor are you surprised, nor are you disheartened. You just... are, like you always have been.
This is why I must stay my high-priority. I can't let people or situations take me for a ride. And to do that I have to continuously be working and focusing on myself.
I must focus on my mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. I must be strong and stubborn in my beliefs for what I feel is right. I must also be flexible to learn and keep evolving. I must focus on what brings me joy because that grounds me to my essence. I must focus on my dreams - it's my responsibility to work on them and make them come true. I must heal my inner child and inner teenager for the sake of my future inner grandma. I must understand myself if I am ever to understand others. I must love myself if I am ever to love others. I must protect myself if I am ever to protect others.
People will come and go, and life will have ups and downs. The only constant I have in my life is myself. I need to make sure I have a healthy and loving relationship with her.