The other day I got an essay in my email from artist Danny Gregory (of Sketchbook Skool) titled How to make art that matters.
While the essay is inspiring, the last sentence hit me like a truck.
"The drawings don't matter. The drawing does."
That's the other way of saying -Â Focus not on the end result but on the process.
And this stands true for writing as well. The real results, the real learning, the real joy is not actually in the written book but in the process of writing it.
I am now in the process of finishing the editing of my new non-fiction book for writers, and I cannot explain the excitement I feel when engaged in the process. The exhilaration coursing through me when I see my idea floating in my head, slowly coming into the shape of a book, is beyond comprehension.
Yes, I will be proud of it when it's out in the world. Yes, I will be grateful when it is loved by you. But I got the love I had to receive from this book while I was engaged in the process. The writer I was before writing this book and after are two completely different writers. I evolved, transformed in the process of writing this book. And that's one of the best gifts an artist could receive.
As I am closing in on the finish line for this book, I am becoming aware that I have to move on to the next.Â
I want to experience this love, this exhilaration, again and again. This is why it is important for me to love this book as much as possible and then let it go.
I can't let the fear of how this book will be received by you stop me from writing. There is so much that I'd love to express and share. And I have just begun this journey.
While your joy as a reader is in the reading, mine should be in the writing.