Author Note:
Rubina’s Bojra is going on a break for the rest of 2023, starting 22nd Nov. I’ll be using this time to upgrade my 2024 content. New essays will be available from Jan 2024.
I was an average student in school.
I wasn't one of the students who got the excellent scores. Nor was I artistically talented. Though I loved playing, sports weren't my thing, either.
I wasn't even one of those students who failed or wreaked havoc in the class.
I was one of those students who stayed on the periphery of the teachers and classmates. One of those who didn't make a mark nor disturb the class atmosphere.
Close to invisible.
This indirectly fed me with the (limiting) belief that I am not talented. I am one of those who simply exist. One of those who helps others thrive while they get lost in oblivion.
So recently, when I took up a 14-day cartooning people course, I was looking for some creative activity besides my reading and writing.
But instead, I got the shock of my life.
Apparently, I am talented.
And on the first day of class, I drew the following cartoon in under 24 minutes!
While there are quite a few lessons I learnt from this experience, I want to talk about indulging in hobbies.
We all should indulge in hobbies. And those who are writers and creatives absolutely must indulge in hobbies.
Life sadly turns monotonous and boring once we have lived out our childhood. Hobbies help us breathe life back into our lives.
Hobbies can be anything you like - writing, dancing, singing, walking, latte art, going out with friends, visiting a museum, baking, playing with a dog, listening to music or playing your own.
The best part is since a hobby is something done for pleasure, you don't need to be good at it or worry about the outcome. You indulge in it because you love doing it.
When you indulge in your hobbies, one of the things that will happen to you (that's happening to me as well) is you'll feel lighter, and the world will seem a little brighter. You'll feel happy, relaxed and content with life, and therefore, get the energy to give life your best. And for us writers, it means better and more satisfying writing sessions.
So, go on. Make some time for yourself and indulge in your hobbies.
Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow.
Kurt Vonnegut