I Wrote 30 Essays For 30 Days. Here Are the 3 Lessons I Learned That'll Up My Digital Writing Game
And One Mistake I Should Have Planned For Beforehand
I wrote 30 essays for 30 days as part of Ship 30 For 30.
Here are 3 lessons I learned from my experience -
You Don't Need To Be An Expert To Share Your Thoughts
Earlier I used to think I needed a person of importance to make my voice heard.
But after Ship 30 for 30, I realise that you become a person of interest when you share what you have learned.
Social Media Can Become Your Ally If You Play Your Game Of Writing According To Their Rules
Different social media apps have different rules. You can't apply the same approach to all of them.
Any and every app can help you build your writing career. All you have to do is learn its rules and see how you can use them to the advantage of your writing career.
It Is Possible To Build A Career Around Your Writing
During these 30 days, I have come across many who, word by word, built their successful writing career.
This gives me hope that I can do the same.
I also made a mistake during my Ship 30 For 30 journey.
The #1 Mistake I Made During Ship 30 For 30 Was...
I didn't make enough time for the Ship 30 community.
I didn't realise how much my life (and its unexpected ups and downs) would hinder my participation in the Ship 30 For 30 community.
I had planned to read 5 essays of my fellow mates every day. But I couldn't do it.
August was an emotional ride which made it difficult for me to give constructive criticism to my shipper friends.
If there's one thing I could do differently, I would block out time for my writing and reading others' essays before the day called for my attention.