I Wrote 30 Essays For 30 Days - Here Is My Ship 30 For 30 Writing Experience
What Is It? Who Is It For? And Why You Should Take Part In It?
I have been on a writing roller coaster ride for the last thirty days.
If you have followed my journey, you may know that I had taken part in Ship 30 For 30. It is a cohort-based writing course teaching the fundamentals of writing online.
This gone Sunday, 700+ students of this course finished their writing voyage together and have arrived wiser than we were when we came onboard.
Today I am sharing my Ship 30 for 30 experience with you.
What is Ship 30 for 30?
Ship 30 for 30 is a cohort-based digital writing course by captains Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole.
The aim of the course is, in 30 days, to build a daily writing habit and to figure out how to make it as a writer in this digital age.
If you would like to know more about the course and join Dickie and Cole for the next cohort, taking place in October, you can follow this link → Ship 30 for 30
How did I come to know about Ship 30 for 30?
I am always searching for books on writing that can help me improve my writing skills.
On one such search last year, I came across Nicolas Cole's The Art And Business Of Online Writing. The Moment I started reading the book, it changed my perception of Writing.
I put the lessons I learned from the book into practice, and Rubina's Bojra is a result of that.
On August 1st, I celebrated my first anniversary of online writing, and I have crossed 1000 followers.
This is the best result I have had in my writing career.
I understood what Cole taught in his book worked and that I needed to go to the next stage of my writing career. So what better way than to have Cole as my mentor?
Ship 30 for 30 is the course that not only teaches the lessons I learnt from Cole's book but also takes it a step further and puts it into practice.
It also takes my writing further by giving me a community of like-minded and like-hearted people and mentors who will guide us along the way.
This is the kind of support and encouragement every writer dreams of having.
My Experience With Ship 30 For 30
Since I have followed Cole's guidance for over a year, I didn't find anything ground-breaking in the cohort.
If I had participated in the following program (Captain's Table), I would definitely have learned something new and valuable.
(Note: I couldn't participate in the next program because it's way out of my budget.)
But Ship 30 for 30 was still a good learning experience because I got to revise and get more precise on the lessons I already knew.
4 Problems Ship 30 For 30 Helps Solve For Writers
Building A Daily Writing Habit
If you are one of those writers who believe they need to write every day (I don't), then Ship 30 For 30 can help you figure out how to do that.
Understanding Where To Start Writing
Contrary to popular belief, blogs are not the way to start your digital writing career.
Ship 30 For 30 will help you understand why that's the case and why it's better to write on social platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, Medium and Substack.
Learning How To Share Your Thought In Writing
Gone are the days when big chunks of paragraphs were the norm. Nobody enjoys that kind of writing, nor do we have the time and patience.
Ship 30 For 30 teaches you how to share your thoughts, which will get the readers interested in your words.
Learning How To Write In The Digital Space And Make Sure It's Worth The Reader's Time
Since social platforms are more helpful in boosting our writing careers, you must first understand how these platforms work and use them to your advantage.
Ship 30 For 30 helps you understand the brain behind these social platforms.
4 Reasons Why Ship 30 For 30 Is A Good Place For New Writers To Learn Digital Writing
You Get A Roadmap To The Digital Writing Space. - what to write, how to write, and where to write.
You Get To Learn How Readers Read In The Digital Space. - because we are not just competing with other writers but also with TikTokers, YouTubers, and Instagram Influencers.
You Get The Ship 30 For 30 Community Support To Keep You Going. - some of us need that extra motivation boost from the people around us.
The Captains (Having 10+ Years Of Online Writing Experience, Combined) Know What They Are Talking About.
3 Things To Keep In Mind When Taking Part In Ship 30 For 30
Make Sure To Engage With Other Writers
The one mistake I made during my cohort was not blocking time to read atomic essays by fellow shippers each day.
If you want to make the most of Ship 30 For 30 (learning and growing as a writer and human), you should try and make out time to read what others have written. And also, make sure to reply with meaningful comments to essays that resonated with you.
Overwhelming For Beginner Writers
If you are a new writer...
If you are new to daily writing and posting...
If you are new to a 30-day challenge with accountability...
Ship 30 For 30 can feel overwhelming.
Make sure you can manage life alongside Ship 30 For 30.
Don't Let Twitter Analytics Go To Your Head
Ship 30 For 30 primarily takes place on Twitter.
As the days go by, you'll notice a massive growth in your Twitter engagement. This is because you are part of the Ship 30 community, which helps each other grow. But don't think this initial jolt will sustain you for life.
The main Twitter fun will begin AFTER Ship 30.