Isabela's Perfect Image
Isabela teaches us how tough it is to maintain a perfect image.
You don't need to be perfect. We cannot and should not even try to do that.
In trying to maintain perfection, we lose out on living and experiencing life in all its flavours and colours.
Let go of the belief that everything in your life has to be picture-perfect.
Luisa's Surface Pressure
Luisa is the character I related to the most. I saw myself in her.
Her song, Surface Pressure, touched my heart and made me feel seen and understood.
The song explains how on the surface, we show that we are fine.
But under the surface, we are exhausted, lost and scared.
The line in the song that stood out the most for me was -
I'm pretty sure I'm worthless
if I can't be of service.
You and me, same sister!
Oh! How I wish I could give Luisa a hug.
You Are More Than The Gift
We all have something in us that we love to share.
It can be love, laughter, support, service, home, food, friendship, knowledge, wisdom - anything.
These are the gift we have that we can share with others.
Does that mean that we are nothing without the gift?
We have to remember that we are enough even if our gifts are taken away from us.
You are more than the gift. You are the gift.
Don't Take The Gift/Miracle For Granted
This is where Abuela went wrong.
She was grateful for the miracle she and her family received. But in trying to hold on to it and keep everything perfect, she started to lose the miracle.
But what Abuela didn't realise is that to use the family's gifts for the betterment of everyone and trying to keep a perfect picture, she forgot about the family members. She started to lose her family.
Abuela, unconsciously, became too dependent on the miracle and forgot that the family that survived is a miracle in itself.
You, too, can love someone to the ends of the earth.
You, too, can be of service to others.
You, too, can carry others' burdens.
But don't lose yourself.
Mirabel Receiving No Gift Was Abuela's Wake Up Call
Mirabel, our main character, didn't receive a gift. Which made Abuela not give Mirabel much importance.
And no matter how hopeful Mirabel was, she did feel worthless.
What I noticed was Mirabel not receiving a gift, was to teach Abuela a lesson.
It was to remind Abuela that in being too dependent on the miracle, she forgot her family's feelings.
Sometimes, something terrible happens in your life, and you ask, "why did it happen to me?"
Loss of a job. Loss of a loved one. Unable to achieve a goal.
No matter how much you look for an answer, a solution doesn't present itself.
We should realise that we are assignments in each others' lives.
We are here to help each other learn lessons.
So if something terrible happens to you and you don't understand why, remember that maybe it's nature's way of using us to teach us and others some life lesson.
If you haven't already, you must watch Disney's Encanto.