How Do You Make Sure You Are Able To Work On Your Writing Projects? By Cutting The Fluff.
Art For Art's Sake: Vol 2 Part 19
Earlier this year, I had a writing crisis where I overburdened myself with multiple projects, with none coming near completion. That led to mental frustration, emotional heartbreak and physical pain.
I blame the over-ambitious side of my Capricorn for this.
After much contemplation, I understood I needed to cut out the fluff for a sustainable writing day (and life).
By this, I mean removing everything that makes it harder for me to write in peace and fun.
Here are the changes I made -
I deleted the Instagram app from my phone, winning back 2 hours of my day.
I cancelled multiple writing projects that were not bringing me emotional and mental satisfaction.
I divided my writing day into two slots of 2 hours each - morning time for non-fiction writing and night time for fiction writing.
I am indulging in my hobbies to rest my mind from all the intense and imaginative thinking I do for my writing.
I shifted from posting my essays twice a week to once a week.
I downsized my expectations for the day and my writing.
I shifted my focus from outcome-focused to satisfaction-focused.
These changes have brought me so much free time and mental space that I have started to enjoy my writing sessions again.
We usually think about what we need to do when trying to achieve a goal. But sometimes, figuring out what you don't need to do comes to the rescue.