Here's Why You Should Read Austin Kleon's Creativity Trilogy
These Are A Boost Of Sunshine Every Creative Needs
Do you feel the need to hear some elder brotherly, wise words of encouragement from a fellow creative?
Then Austin Kleon's trilogy on creativity is your answer.
Austin Kleon is a writer and artist living in Texas. He is the one who has written the bestselling creativity books called Steal Like An Artist, Show Your Work and Keep Going.
I have read all three of them and highly recommend you do too. Regardless of your field, all creative artists must read these gems.
Here's why -
Steal Like An Artist
This is the most friendly, encouraging, and delightful book for creatives I have ever read.
Being creative is a simple endeavour. You have to keep it simple and stay humble. You need to learn from your idols and put that into practice without worrying about the results.
Creativity is not just for when you are creating art. It is a way of life.
This book shows you what that life looks like.
Show Your Work
As artists and creatives, we may work on our art in the privacy of our rooms, but until you share it with the world, your art's life remain unfulfilled.
It doesn't matter how small of a part of your art you share with others. What matters is that you show up and show your work.
This book teaches how you can share your work, how to do it decently and how to deal with the negativity.
Keep Going
A creative career is a life-long one. Therefore it must be treated like such.
This book will help you ride the high and low of life and creative life while keeping your health in favour of you and reminding yourself that this is a long game.
Together these three books gave me a motivating push off the creativity cliff. Relatable and heartwarming, these books made me feel understood as a creative person. They helped me accept that it's okay to go on a different path than others, at a different pace. These books gave me hope that all my dots will eventually connect.
I will also cherish and re-read these gems by Austin Kleon.
You can find more about the author and his books on his website.
Thanks for sharing these great books Rubina💟