Contrary To Popular Belief, You Don't Need A Niche To Start Writing Online
Just Start Writing What Your Heart Wants To Speak
I was so lost and confused when popular writing advice told me I needed to niche down.
What the heck does that even mean? I thought to myself.
I do know what it means, but it never sat well with me.
When I started my writing journey in the summer of 2014, I intuitively knew I would write my stories in different genres.
When I started writing online last year, I knew I wanted to talk about different aspects of life.
Niching down didn't feel fulfilling to me. I can't just nurture one side of me and forget about the other.
So I kept the popular writing advice on the side and wrote about whatever I wanted.
Here's why it's okay to not start with a niche.
It's okay because, when starting out, you have no clue what will resonate with others.
But here's the twist - you know what you have to say will resonate with others because you resonate with the words of others.
At the end of the day, we all speak the same language.
The language of love, happiness, sadness, joy, guilt, regret, hope and connection.
We all speak the language of what it means to be a human.
Have you ever watched a video that is in a language that you don't understand, but you clearly understood what the video was trying to say?
Have you ever watched a scene in a movie or show where no words are spoken, but the exchange of glances between the characters tells you everything?
That's the language of humans.
That is what you're trying to speak.
That is what you want to speak.
Trying to restrict yourself into a niche before you speak or write is restricting yourself from speaking the language of humans. It's restricting you from making the impact you're meant to make.
So what are we supposed to do when we start writing online?
Just start writing what your heart wants to speak.
Just start writing what sparks your curiosity.
Just start writing what makes you happy.
Just start writing what makes you sad.
Just start writing what's good.
Just start writing what's bad.
Just start writing.
Don't think about what the market or readers want. Don't worry about whether people are reading and resonating with your words. Not when you're just starting out or writing for the sake and pure joy of writing.
Just share what you feel like sharing.
Over time (and it will take time), you'll find a space where you can hear your voice the loudest. This will also be the space that the readers resonate with the most. This space will turn into your niche. When you find this, you'll have the decision to make if you want to niche down or not.
But until then, just start writing what your heart wants to speak.
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