Be Kind To Your Writer Self And Work In Your Favour.
Art For Art's Sake: Vol 2 Part 20
"You are doing the best you can do right now. Stop beating yourself up."
– Steven Aitchison.
When it comes to being a writer (this also applies to being a human), being kind to yourself and working in your favour is the way to go.
Remember the time your parents would scold you into behaving a certain way - like eating your vegetables, sitting properly, conversing with others. But scolding rarely works. Instead, remember when your parents gently made you understand why they are asking you to do so. Chances are you got the point and did the deed without much fuss.
The same works for writing as well.
When I act tough with my writer self, I go into a shell and don't do any writing. That frustrates me more and makes me more serious and strict. But when I gently coax myself to have fun with my writing, I write better and more.
I wasn't supposed to be writing this essay today. After three very productively satisfying days (3+ hours of new writing each day), I thought I'd give myself a break today. But because I was gentle and kind to myself in those three days, my inner voice kept saying, "Hey! Let's write again. It was fun." So here I am, writing this essay before heading out on a solo date with myself.
Intimidation only works up until a certain point. After that, you get used to its shouting and screaming and turn numb. But when you are kind to yourself, things work out smoother and faster.
Being kind to your writer self means
being okay with how your writing went that day.
being okay with missing a day.
being okay with trying again.
being okay with not liking what you wrote and loving it anyway.
being okay with treating yourself on a good writing day.
bring okay with where you are on your writing journey while also moving in the direction you want to be in.
You are doing your best at the moment. It's okay to miss a day, to fail, to fall. Just don't stay in the sad pit longer than it's required. You need to be your own cheerleader. You need to support your writer soul. Therefore, give yourself a hug and get back to your writing.