9 Tips To Keep You Sane While Using Social Media
'cause we all are drowning in it.

Over the past few months, our relationship with social media has changed.
With the pandemic and being locked inside the house, our social media consumption has gone through the roof. With nothing to do and being forced to stay inside, we couldn't help ourselves but scroll. Many have even turned into full-time social media influencers during the pandemic.
This has resulted in a tsunami of new, quick and viral content.
And since it was a tsunami, I couldn't help but notice, many of us were drowning.
I am a regular on Instagram. Slowly but surely, I saw some of my friends - who used to post regularly - slow down. A couple didn't have the mental/time capacity to share anything other than memes (which I highly appreciate!). One just vanished, which scared me and then I had to contact her through a mutual friend. And two of my closest friends recently announced that they are leaving all types of social media for good.
When I asked them all the reasons, I wasn't surprised when they said they felt overwhelmed.
I, too, had a similar experience for the whole of 2020 and the beginning of 2021. It made me quit my YouTube channel, delete my Facebook, and take a month-long break from Instagram. It gave me the respite from the drowning feeling, but I knew I wanted to come back. That made me think of how to be on social media but also maintain my sanity.
The following tips are what helped me do it -
Don't Start Or End Your Day With Social Media
I am still working on this one. But I can tell you, from experience, when you start or end your day with reading, or talk to your parent, or listening to music, you will have a much calmer and productive day.
Dousing ourselves with social media during these times can change your mood to a negative one real quick. It could be irritation, frustration, or sadness. And none of those are fun moods to spend the whole day or night in.
Restrict How Much You'll Use It
There are apps that you can use to help block social media apps after a certain period.
Or, if your willpower is strong enough, know when you spent too much time watching funny memes and stop.
Ideally, you don't want to spend more than an hour a day on social media.
Use It As A Reward
This is a restriction as to "when" you can use social media.Â
I have a simple rule for myself. I don't check YouTube or Instagram until I am done with the day's work. Period.
Not only it works as a reward, but you will also have the capacity to freely indulge in content that's out there.
Watch What You're Consuming
"There's a great saying: Garbage in, garbage out. If you want good output, you have to watch over the inputs." - Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key.
This was a big lesson for me.
During the lockdown, I was doom-scrolling Instagram and watching 98% of non-sense stuff. When I sat down to write, I realised that I had nothing in me but garbage.
Watch what you're consuming. If it's garbage, it'll rot you from the inside.
The "Mute," "Unfollow", and "Block" options are three of the best inventions of social media apps.
If you find that whoever or whichever account you're following is not giving the value you thought it would give you - mute, unfollow or block them.Â
If you feel any negative emotions after seeing their posts - mute, unfollow or block them.
We don't need to waste our time and space on our feeds, on such energy suckers.
Have Something Better To Do With Your Time
During my Instagram hiatus, I took up cross-stitch. You can pick up a hobby too.
Or even better, try out your hand on that side hustle you wanted to for a long time. That book you wanted to write. That candle business you want to start. That freelance gig you wanted to try.
Realise That Social Media Is Not Equal To Relaxation
It was, once upon a time, but not anymore.
Social media doesn't relax any of us anymore. It just bombards us with things to buy, viral trends to try, news to get overwhelmed about. Social media is resulting in brain overload.
If you want to genuine relax and unload your brain - play with a kid or a pet, read a book, take a nap, go for a walk, re-watch your favourite movie, spend time with friends. Those are the activities that will help you relax.
Take A Break
I used to do this - take a week off from social media.
It gives you some room to breathe. It lets you get things done. This may not be a long-term solution, but it does take care of you at the moment.
If all fails, then quit social media.
Just like my two friends, if social media and its content is playing with your mental strings so severely that your personal and professional life is getting affected, then the best option you have is to quit social media.
Remember that social media is a tool to enhance our experience of life. If it doesn't do that for you, then it's not worth the time.