6-Step Framework, From A Former Shipper, To Make The Best Of Your Ship 30 For 30 Writing Experience
To Make Sure You Never Fall Off Board!
Step 1: List Out Potential Topics
You could enter Ship 30 with an empty slate and let it surprise you.
You could have some writing plan in place, so you don't get overwhelmed during the 30 days of Ship 30 For 30.
To do this, pick 3–5 topics (and no more) of your interest.
For example, mine was Life Lessons, Writing/Creative Life and Books/Reading.
These should be topics you're either interested in writing about or are learning about and can share your experience.
Step 2: Alternate The Days Among Your Topics
As in,
Day 1 - Life Lessons
Day 2 - Writing
Day 3 - Reading
Day 4 - Life Lessons
and so on.
Doing this makes it easier to know when you write about which topic, removing any decision fatigue you might face.
Step 3: Brain Dump 10 Ideas For Each Topic
Let's say you picked 3 topics to write about.
3 Topics x 10 ideas each = 30 posts for 30 days.
You don't need to know what exactly you're going to write in each of those ideas. Just note down what is intriguing you at the moment in each topic.
Note - These 30 ideas are not etched in stone. You are free to change them and write what you feel called to.
Step 4: Organise Those Ideas Into Your Calendar
Place each idea in your calendar under the designated day of its topic so you have a visual writing plan in front of you.
This can be done with a physical calendar or notebook, or you can use google calendar. I created a Notion page and lay everything out according to day, date and topic.
Step 5: Start Writing BUT Stick To 250-Word Count
Ship 30 For 30 teaches the concept of Atomic Essays. These are 250-300 word essays, long enough to share an idea with the readers.
Take it from me - writing for 30 days straight WILL burn you out.
You don't want to make it harder on yourself by writing more than 250-300 words. It is called an ATOMIC essay for a reason.
If you find yourself going beyond this limit, you're writing too broad of a topic. Try and break down such broad essays into separate parts.
Step 6: Hit Publish!
That's it! You have done it!
Don't worry about the quality. Just do a grammar check and send your essay off to the internet space. The quality of your writing will get better over time and over the quantity of writing.
For now, just write your essay and hit publish. That's all you need to do for the next 30 days.