36 Quotes From Matt Haig's The Comfort Book That Will Help You Find Peace
Nothing Is Stronger Than A Small Hope That Doesn't Give Up.
You were born worthy of love and you remain worthy of love. Be kind to yourself.
Walking on foot in front of the other, in the same direction, will always get you further than running around in circles. It’s about the determination to keep walking forward.
It’s okay not to make the most of every chunk of time.
External events are neutral. They only gain positive or negative value the moment they enter our minds. It is ultimately up to us how we greet these things. It’s not always easy, sure, but there is a comfort in knowing it is possible to view any single thing in multiple ways. It empowers us, because we aren’t at the mercy of the world we can never control, we are the mercy of a mind we can, potentially, with effort and determination, begin to alter and expand. Our mind might make prisons, but it also gives us keys.
The hardest question I have ever been asked is: ‘How do i stay for other people if I have no one?’ The answer is that you stay alive for other versions of you. For the people you will meet, yes, sure, but also the people your will be.
Self-forgiveness makes the world better. You don’t become a good person by believing you are a bad one.
In order to get over a problem it helps to look at it. You can’t climb a mountain that you pretend isn’t there.
… we are more than can be measured.
Stay for the person you will become. … You are another self at a point in the future time looking back in gratitude that this lost and former you held on.
Don’t absorb criticism from people you wouldn’t go to for advice.
Don’t worry about fitting in. Be your own tribe.
Other people matter, but there is no point becoming someone else in order to find friends. In order to find the people who like you, it is first necessary to be you.
Hope, in its simplest form, is the acceptance of possibility.
There is no point spending an entire life trying to win the love you don’t feel when you needed it. You sometimes just have to let go of an old story and start your own. Give yourself some love. You can’t change the past. You can’t change other people. You can change you though. you narrate this story. So start to write a new chapter.
Happiness occurs when you forget who you’re expected to be. And what you’re expected to do. Happiness is an accident of self-acceptance. It’s the warm breeze you feel when you open he door to who you are.
No physical appearance is worth not eating pasta for.
You are not the bad feelings in your head. You are the person experiencing the storm.
Social media can be a gallery of live you aren’t living. Of diets you aren’t following. Of parties you’re not attending. Of holidays you’re not on. Of fun you’re not having. So, cut yourself a break and scroll your mind instead. Scroll your consciousness for reasons to be grateful to be you. The only fear of missing out that matters is the fear of missing out on yourself.
We are where we need to be. We have never lived in the past. There is no past. There is no future. There is just a series of presents. one after the other.
Your worth is you.
It is easier to learn to be soaked and happy than to learn how to stop the rain.
Don’t worry about being cool. Never worry what the cool people think. Life is warmth. You’ll be cool when you’re dead. Head for the warm people. Head for life.
You are here. And that is enough.
I used to worry about fitting in until I realised the reason I didn’t fit in was because I didn’t want to.
Curiosity and passion are the enemies of anxiety.
… it is better to let people down than to blow yourself up.
Your self-worth is not found inside the minds of other people.
Don’t drain yourself trying to be understood by people who insist on not understanding you.
Get out of your own way. Being yourself isn’t something you have to do. You were born yourself, and you didn’t even have to try. In fact, trying is the whole problem. You can’t try to be. You can only let yourself be.
We are not what we experience.
You are where you need to be.
The cure to loneliness isn’t more people. The cure to loneliness is understanding who we are.
Introversion is not something you fix via extroversion. You fix it be seeing it as something not to be fixed. Let introversion exist. Allow journeys inward as well as outward.
You don’t need to justify your existence in terms of productivity.
There comes a beautiful point where you have to stop trying to escape yourself or improve yourself and just allow yourself.
Nothing is stronger than a small hope that doesn’t give up.