34 Writing And Creative Life Lessons 2022 Taught Me.
If You're Not Having Fun, You're Doing It Wrong.
You don't have to write daily to feel worthy enough to call yourself a writer.
Treat the Writing process as an experiment to figure out what kind of writer you are.
Treat the Writing process as a ritual to figure out who you are as a writer.
Have a daily creative task (like Artist's Way) free of a deadline and non-negotiable. Makes you feel fulfilled.
Initially, you might have to do stuff you're not interested in (like writing content online). Still, as you do it, you get experience and skills, and you'll gain the confidence to do what you actually want to do (like write a book).
In life, people usually find a jigsaw and try to fit themselves in it. We, creative people, create the jigsaw, and we smoothly slip in as the final piece when it's complete.
Currently, 2 hours of writing per day is the limit for me.
Why write books? - Books and stories provide me peace, solace, calm, safety, security and stability. It provides me understanding and friendship. It provides deep joy and contentment (this goes for movies and shows as well). In short, Art is keeping me alive. And I want to contribute to that as well.
Creativity is born out of joy.
- Julia CameronDon't overwork. Don't empty your creative well faster than you can fill it.
When creating art, coax yourself forward, not flog. (Thought from Julia Cameron)
Do things softly, don't pressure yourself, and treat yourself with empathy.
On time and good sleep = tomorrow's routine/schedule will be followed.
Not on time and/or no good sleep = willpower to stick to tomorrow's routine/schedule goes out the window.
Home alone = productive writing day.
You can't live the same way as others or as you did in the past and expect a different result.
There are many fine detectives. Well, that is not true. There are many average detectives. But to be what I am, it requires fixedness of mind. The little grey cells pampered, indulged, given all the oxygen in my blood and minutes on my clock.
- Hercule Poirot, Death on the Nile (2022)I am a soul having a human experience, and to express it, I use words.
I am on this planet to write whodunit novels and help readers take a break from their busy and boring lives.
Working on my fiction makes me happy, therefore giving me the motivation to write content.
Writing content is my day job. Writing stories is my side hustle.
Trust yourself and believe you have what it takes to write that book.
Find harmony and answers within yourself; don't always look to the outer world to provide certainty.
Obsessing over anything negative/toxic isn't helpful. The energy of fear and worry only slows the eventual manifesting of your dreams.
Non-creative work drains me so much that my creative brain feels exhausted. Therefore, do creative work before non-creative work.
If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.
Writing has meditative effects.
Instead of treating content as individual pieces, think of it as writing chapters of a book. They may not turn into an actual book, but each piece of content you create also creates you and helps you connect the dots.
Fill your inner creative well daily.
"Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you."Â
― Anne LamottThe less friction I have in getting into writing mode, the better. No need to bombard myself with routines and rituals.
Decide a certain hour to work on your writing project, and never turn back, no matter what's going on in your life. Contribute to it, even if it's something small every day.
Data sprite PidlÃk delivered this post to me. Great. I will try to realize point by point and write down my impressions. Thanks.