Don't try to join the uneven road at an angle and at top speed.
You will gain a good amount of energy and time if you stop complaining.
Spending time alone in school trained me for my current writer life.
Remember - not everyone on the internet has good intentions, including self-help gurus and personal development teachers.
After a point, you have to stop looking at others for answers. Instead, listen for the answers from within.
Your worth does not equal how productive, helpful or available you are.
People change. Friendships change. The intensity changes. Because life changes and evolves.
Multitasking is a slow poison.
When the body and mind crave a nap, please give it a nap.
Reading books is better than watching videos and reels.
You don't have to write daily to feel worthy enough to call yourself a writer.
On time and good sleep = tomorrow's routine/schedule will be followed.
Not on time and/or no good sleep = willpower to stick to tomorrow's routine/schedule goes out the window.
Home alone = productive writing day.
Try twice to reason with someone. If the other person doesn't at least see your point, don't waste time trying to reason a third time.
Home-cooked food > Whatever is available outside.
The best coffee for you is the coffee you make for yourself.
Pet that stray dog. You will never regret it.
Health includes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Forget even one of them, and life will feel incomplete.
Whatever happens, happens for a reason. And usually for a good one, even if it doesn't feel like one at that moment.
Stop surviving. Start thriving.
When you feel overwhelmed, take a break and walk or nap. When you feel calm enough, come back and ask yourself why you were doing that task in the first place and why it became overwhelming. Chances are you wandered too far away from the soul reason of the task.
Life, and everything in it, is a series of experiments. Treat it as such, and you'll live a curious and fun life.
You are the only person who can save, help, love, and care for you.
Generally, humans can be disappointing - that's a fact. There's nothing good or bad about it. It's just about how you tackle it.
Even though you feel stuck, you're actually not. The Universe is working behind the scenes for you.
Stop saying old self-sabotaging stories.
Take care of your inner child. You are her only guardian.
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