12 Simple Things You Can Do When You're Feeling Low
'Cause We All Need Some Boost

Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.
- Anne Lamott
Take A Nap -Â Sometimes, all you need to do is give your body and mind a break.
Take A Bath -Â It cools you down and feels refreshed, thus making you feel lighter.
Call A Friend -Â A friend who you can pour your heart out, and they won't judge you.
Listen To Your Favourite Songs -Â Close the door, put your headphones on and play your favourite songs. Nothing helps you more than the comfort of the songs that understand you.
Re-watch Your Favourite Movie -Â It's like catching up with old best friends.
Read/ Re-read An Author's Work Who Never Disappoints You -Â Books are a beautiful escape. They help you manage your day with a happier heart.
Play With A Dog Or A Baby -Â Dogs and Babies know that all there is to Life is to enjoy the present moment. Play with them and let them remind of you that lesson once again.
Visit Your Favourite Place -Â It'll give the feeling of coming back home - a place where you just fit and feel at peace.
Watch Your Favourite Videos -Â I have a playlist called "Watch When Feeling Bad," and that is what I do when I feel so. The playlist is full of music videos, movie scenes, cute animal videos, and motivational videos that pull me out of my rut every time I watch them.
Go On A Long Drive -Â Preferably when the roads are emptier. Let the purposeless, endless drive calm you down.
Do Nothing -Â You don't always have to do something. We are anyway always doing something or the other. So, do nothing. Just close your eyes and be.
Most Importantly, Don't Feel Sad, Guilty, Or Angry For Feeling Low -Â We have hearts that feel. We have emotions that can feel hurt. Let yourself move through that. Feeling negatively about how you're feeling will make you feel worse. Don't do that to yourself. Be kind to yourself.
Very true. Sometimes you only need to give yourself some time for the turbulence within to settle down and unwind yourself by doing something you enjoy.